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PhD Dissertation

Unpublished master thesis

  • F. Sevinç Göral (2002). The Second Separation- Individuation Process of the Turkish Young Adults: The Relationship between the Perceived Maternal Parenting Attitudes, Second Separation- Individuation, Expanding Self and Experiences in the Romantic Relationships. Unpublished Master Thesis, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

Book Chapters

  • Sevinç Göral Alkan, (2011) Sevgilinin Aynasında Kendini Görmek, (Seeing the Self from the Mirror of the Beloved), Romantik İlişkiler, Evlilik ve Ana Baba Çocuk İlişkileri (Romantic Relations, Marriage and Parent-Child Relations), in T. Solmuş, (ed.), Nobel Publications, 2010, pp. 37-51.  

  • Sevinç Göral Alkan, (2022) Yakın İlişkilerde İyi Hissetmek ve İyileşmek, (Feeling Good and Healed in Close Relationships), Yakın İlişkiler Psikolojisi (Close Relationships Psychology), in Y. Kahya, (ed.), Nobel Publications, 2022, pp. 363-384. 

  • • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan ve Duygu Tüzün, (2023), Travmaya Şema Terapi Yaklaşımı (Schema Therapy Approach to Trauma), Farklı Terapi Ekollerinin Travma Yaklaşımı (Trauma Approach of Various Psychotherapies), in Burcu Uysal, (ed.), Nobel Publications, 2023, pp 203-223.

Translated Book

  • J. M. Farrell, N. Reiss and I. Shaw (2014) The Schema Therapy Clinician’s Guide, A Complete Resource for Building and Delivering Individual, Group and Integrated Schema Mode Treatment Programs (Şema Terapi Klinisyenin Rehberi, Bireysel, Grup ve Klinik Ortamlarda Şema Terapi Oluşturmak ve Uygulamak), Wiley Blackway Publishing, Çeviri: Sevinç Göral Alkan ve Emel Alkan, 2015, Psikonet Yayınları.

  • M. van Vreeswijk, J. Broersen and G. Schurink (2014) Mindfulness and Schema Therapy, A Practical Guide (Mindfulness ve Şema Terapi, Uygulama Rehberi), John Wiley and Sons, Çeviri Editörü: Sevinç Göral Alkan, 2019, Psikonet Yayınları. 

  • Young, J. E., Klosko, J. S., and Weishaar, M. E. (2003). Schema Therapy: A Practitioner's Guide. (Şema Terapi: Terapistin Rehberi), Guilford Press, Çeviri Editörü: Sevinç Göral Alkan, 2009, Litera Yayıncılık.

Academic Journal Papers

  • F. Sevinç Göral, (2000), On the Psychoanalytic Theories of Jacques Lacan: Subject, Language and Self Development, Katarsis Psychology Journal, Boğaziçi University Psychology Students Press, İstanbul, Turkiye.

  • F. Sevinç Göral, (2000), On the Psychoanalytic Theory of Margaret Mahler: Separation Individuation Process and Self Development, Katarsis Psychology Journal, Boğaziçi University Psychology Students Press, İstanbul, Turkiye.

  • Aslı Kesimci, F. Sevinç Göral and Tülin Gençöz  (2005), Determinants of stress-related growth: Gender, stressfulness of the event, and coping strategies, Current Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 68-75.

  • F. Sevinç Göral, Aslı Kesimci and Tülin Gençöz, (2006), Roles of Controllability of the Event and Coping Strategies on Stress - related Growth in a Turkish Sample, Stress and Health, Vol. 22, pp. 297-303.

Conference Papers, Presentations and Posters

  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan and Hürol Fışıoğlu (2007), Projective Identification in the Couple Relationships, paper at the 4th National Family and Marriage Therapies Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, 16-17-18 March.


  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan and Hürol Fışıloğlu (2010), Türk Evli Çiftlerde Erken Dönem Anne-Baba Deneyimlerinin  Eşe Yönelik Duygusal Bağımlılığa Etkileri, poster at 7th DTGPB Turkish German Psychiatry Congress, Berlin, Germany, 21-25 September

  • Sevinç Göral Alkan, Hürol Fışıloğlu, Gonca Soygüt, and Tülin Gençöz (2010), Mutual Interdependencies between Early Maladaptive Schemas of the Turkish Cohabiting Partners: Preliminary Empirical Findings for Schema Chemistry, presentation at EABCT 2010 XL Congress of European for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Milano, Italy, 7-10 October.

  • Sevinç Göral Alkan and Hürol Fışıloğlu (2011), The Effects of Early Maladaptive Schemas on the Relationship Satisfaction, Jealousy and Emotional Dependency of the Turkish Cohabiting Couples: Preliminary Findings for Schema Chemistry, Presentation at the 7th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy- Clinical Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-5 June.

  • Sevinç Göral Alkan (2011), “Characteristics of Turkish Patients in the Netherlands and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”, Chairperson in the Symposium “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Immigrant Patients”, Paper at the 7th International Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapy- Clinical Science, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-5 June.

  • Sevinç Göral Alkan and Leyla Bengi- Arslan (2014), “Effects of Parenting on Schemas of Turkish Immigrant Patients in the Netherlands”, Poster at the 6th Biennial Conference of ISST, 12-14 June 2014, İstanbul, Turkey

Studies on Political Psycology

Book Chapters

  • Erol Göka, F. Sevinç Göral and Çetin Güney, (2003), ‘Bir Hayat İnsanı Olarak Türk Muhafazakarı ve Kaygan Siyasal Tercihi’, (Turkish Conservatives as People in Daily Life and Their Political Preferences) Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce, Muhafazakarlık, No 5, Istanbul: İletişim Press, 2003, pp. 302- 314.

  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan, (2007), Psikoloji ve Psikanaliz Penceresinden Türk-Ermeni Meselesi: Mağduriyet Psikolojisi ve Büyük-Grup Kimliğinin Etkisi, (Turkish- Armenian Issue from Psychology and Psychoanalysis Context: Victimization Psychology and Large-Group Identity), Ömer E. Lüthem (eds.) Ermeni Sorunu: Temel Bilgi ve Belgeler, Ankara: ASAM Ermeni Araştırmaları Merkezi.

Journal Papers

  • Musa Gürbüz, F. Sevinç Göral and Özlem Düdükçü, (2003), ‘Uyum Yasaları Çerçevesinde Türkiye-AB İlişkilerine Genel Bakış’, (General Analysis of Turkish-European Union Relations Through Adjustment Laws) Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, September, No 41, pp.35-46.

  • Erol Göka and F. Sevinç Göral (2003), ‘Arap Dünyası ve Şiî Örneğinde Uluslararası İlişkilerde Dinin Rolü’, (The Role of Religion in International Relations: Arab World and Shiite Examples) Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 43, November, pp. 41- 46.

  • Erol Göka and F. Sevinç Göral, (2003), ‘Hiçbir Topluluk Aşağılık Değildir: Irak'a Bakarken Unutulan Grup Psikolojisi’, (Ignored Perspective of Group Psychology in Analyzing Iraq Invasion) Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 38, June, pp. 89- 93.

  • Erol Göka and F. Sevinç Göral (2003), ‘Irak’taki Küçük Yağmanın Psikolojisi ve Bazı Önseziler’ (Psychology of Spoliation in Iraq) Türkiye’de ve Dünyada YARIN, May, pp. 8-10.

  • F. Sevinç Göral (2004), ‘Irak’ta Çok Demokratik İşkence Uygulamaları’, (Highly Democratic Torture Practices in Iraq) Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 51, July, pp. 83- 89.

  • F. Sevinç Göral (2005), Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkilerde Siyaset Psikolojisi,  (Political Psychology in Political Science and International Relations) Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 59, March, pp. 77- 82.

  • F. Sevinç Göral (2005), Türk-Ermeni Meselesi: Mağduriyet Psikolojisi ve Büyük-Grup Kimliği,  (Turkish-Armenian Relations: Victimization and Large-Group Identity) Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 66, October, pp. 89- 96.

  • F. Sevinç Göral (2005), Turkish-Armenian Issue: Victimization and Large-Group Identity, Review of Armenian Studies, Vol. 3, No. 9, pp. 61- 77.

  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan (2007), Avrupa’nın Türklerle Yansıtmalı Özdeşim Dansı: Irkçılık, (Projective Identification Dance of Europe with Turks: Racism), Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 72, January, pp. 105-113

  • Erol Göka and F. Sevinç Göral Alkan (2007), Kahramanlarımız Düşmanlarımız ve İç Dünyamız (Heroes, Enemies and Intrapsychic World of Us), Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 87, July, pp.71-77.

  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan (2007), Fundamentalizmin Psikolojik Dinamikleri (Psychological Dynamics of Fundamentalism), Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 89, September, pp. 69- 76.

  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan and Tayfun Üstün (2007), Taliban, Waco, Amish ve Yezidiler Örneklerinde Evrensel bir Olgu Olarak Fundamentalizmin Psikodinamikleri, (Psychodynamics of Fundamentalism as a Universal Phenomenon: Taliban, Waco, Amish and Yezidi Examples), Stratejik Analiz, ASAM Publications, No 90, October.

  • Murat Beyazyüz, F. Sevinç Göral Alkan and Erol Göka (2007), Fundamentalizmin Psikolojisi, (Psychology of Fundamentalism), Avrasya Dosyası, Vol 13, No. 3

Conference Papers and Presentations

  • F. Sevinç Göral (2004), Psikolojinin Barışa Katkısı Olabilir mi? Yansıtmalı Özdeşim Kavramının Etnisite Olgusunun Anlaşılmasında Kullanılması, (Could Psychology Contribute to the Peace: Projective Identification for Understanding Ethnicity Phenomenon), National Psychology Congress, İstanbul, Turkey, 17-19 September.

  • F. Sevinç Göral (2006), Turkish- Armenian Relations from Psychology and Psychoanalysis Point of View: Psychology of Victimization and Large- Group Identity, New Approaches to Turkish-Armenian Relations International Symposium, İstanbul University, Turkey, 24- 26 March.

  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan (2007), Psycho-social Expansions on Turkish- Armenian Relationships, Approaches of Turkish University Students about Turkish- Armenian Relations Symposium, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 4-6 May.

  • F. Sevinç Göral Alkan (2007-2008), Political Psychology, Lectures for ASAM Interns, Ankara, Turkey, July-August.

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